Friday, February 24, 2012

Enjoying life!

It has been pretty busy these past few weeks with school and trips. A few weekends ago Kari and I went to Oxford with her University, it was a chilly day but very sunny. The town was beautiful and rich in history. We both had a very good day and learned a little about Oxford University.
For Valentine's day, I had Kari thinking we were going to be spending it apart, instead I suprised her and we enjoyed a nice dinner and each others company. I told her that I would not let our only Valentine's day in England be spent apart. I think I made her a happy girl.
This past week, I did not have any classes because it was set aside for studying and doing Uni work, I got all my done before the week so I could enjoy Kari's company, we went for afternoon tea in a town called St. Albans near Kari's university on Wednesday. I was sort of hesitant to go, but to my suprise it was very good. They give you a plate full of pastries and a pot of tea, it was nice to just relax and enjoy it.
I have not been as involved with the football team lately because a few of their games being cancelled due to inclement weather. This Sunday though there is a game verse Gloucester, a college nearby. It will be good to see how far they have come since I have last seen them play. It seems like forever! There are three games in seven days though, which personally I do not think is good, but all the guys are looking forward to it. I will not be able to attend the last game though because Kari and I will be in Amsterdam! We are both looking very forward to it!
I am definately getting used to London now, with the tube and just always having people around. It can be overwhelming, but for the most part is very enjoyable. It is crazy to think about, but that I have almost been here for two months, time is certainly flying by, so I need to make the most of it.


Monday, February 6, 2012

University has started!

Hello All,

I have not updated my blog for a few weeks. Once school started it feels more like home and do not have a ton of free time to be a tourist. The past two weeks have been mainly school and helping out with the American Football team here and making trips to see Kari! Two of the coaches here will be coming to Menomonie in the fall to watch and work with us during fall camp. They both seem very excited and Stout really welcomes them, it will be a great experience for them and also us. This coming weekend Kari and I are going to Oxford with her university, it will be a good time. It will be nice to get out and see a little bit more of the countryside and something other than London. I do really like it here though and I think I am adapting quite well.

This past weekend Kari came to London to visit me; we went to the Natural History Museum. It was very cool and much bigger than we expected. We did not have enough time to visit everything though; I was upset that we did not get to see more of the dinosaurs. They had a life sized blue whale there and it filled a huge room. Saturday we got quite of bit of snow in the evening, it was a very nice snow.

Super Bowl Sunday was a good time here; the team went to a bar in Central London to enjoy the game with some beer. I never thought it would be so hard to watch a football game; you have to buy tickets to see the games on TV here at the bars. It also does not help that the game starts at 11:30 at night either, it makes for a long night. Luckily I got in free with the team so that was nice.

I am very excited for things to come, in about a month Kari and I will be traveling to Amsterdam with her university and her friends that she has met. It is good timing for me too because I all my deadlines for my coursework is the week before we leave! We plan on doing a few other trips as well depending on funds. One that we really want to do is go see Antti in Finland in May. My time here has been amazing and I am really enjoying it.